COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Hands On Massage Therapy Clients,

The COVID-19 virus (Coronavirus) has brought us all to a foreign and very difficult time.

In response to this situation, and in attempts to prevent the spread of the virus, the Ministry of Health and more specifically for us, the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario have strongly recommended that non-essential or non-emergency health care providers refrain from treating clients.

In response to these recommendations, Hands On Massage Therapy will be closed for the time being.  We will be monitoring the situation very closely and following the guidance of our governing bodies to determine when we will be able to reopen our doors to our clients.

We greatly appreciate the loyalty of our clients and hope that all will understand our response to the situation.  Please check into our website for the latest updates on this situation. With everyone’s help, we will get through this!

In the meantime, if you have any questions or require any advice on how you may manage any physical ailments that may arise, please leave us a message on our answering machine at 519-727-4242 or email us at .  We will be continuously checking messages and we will be happy to reply to you with our best advice.

Yours in Good Health,

Hands On Massage Therapy